Video Stroboscopy
Laryngeal Video Stroboscopy:
Video Stroboscopy enables the voice specialist to assess the vibratory characteristics of the vocal folds while you make sound. This is non-invasive, painless and OPD procedure provides the voice specialist with outstanding views of the larynx and the vibrating vocal folds.
Voice specialist will look over the back of your tongue onto the vocal folds with a tiny digital camera attached to the end of a rigid endoscope. A strobe light is utilized to simulate a slow motion of the vibrating vocal folds as the vocal folds vibrate rapidly (over one hundred times a second in men and double that in women), so rapid that this vibration is impossible to see clearly with the naked eye. By watching the vocal fold vibration, the Voice specialist is able to check for stiffness, irregularity of movement, inappropriate closure and other disorders related to the motion of the vocal folds.
What kinds of information are obtained with Stroboscopy?
The slow motion allows details of the complex vibratory or oscillatory movement of the mucosa of the vocal fold that takes place in order to produce voice to be seen by the voice specialist.
It is particularly helpful to voice specialist who want to check subtle structural abnormality of the vocal folds that could be contributing to voice problem.
Normal vocal fold vibration on strobosopy usually shows the following key observations:
- regular vocal fold vibration
- symmetrical or balanced vocal fold vibration
- mucosal wave that becomes more prominent as the fundamental frequency becomes lower
- vocal folds should be pliable with no localised areas of stiffness
- the gap between the vocal folds should only be visible for just over half the time of the vibratory cycle