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Computerized Acoustic Voice Analysis

Computerized Acoustic Voice Analysis

State-of-the-art voice laboratory at MicroCare Super Speciality Voice Clinic allow us to identify subtle features in the singing and speaking voice.

Computerized voice analysis includes obtaining the acoustic signal (frequency and intensity) and the aerodynamic measures (pressure and airflow) for every patient with voice problem which provide key information about your voice, breathing, resonance of voice and vocal fold health.

Computerized voice analysis also allows us postoperative voice assessments which could complement or replace direct laryngoscopy as frequent postoperative alterations in voice after thyroid surgery occurs in inexperienced surgeons.

Computerized acoustic measurements provide information regarding fundamental frequency, signal-to-noise ratio, jitter, shimmer and pitch and loudness ranges of the voice.

Computerized aerodynamic measurements provide information regarding airflow rate and volume, laryngeal resistance and subglottic pressure.


Spectrographic Voice Analysis

Spectrographic Voice Analysis is the harmonic frequency distribution of voice production, a pattern for sound analysis containing information on intensity, frequency and time.

Narrow band analysis is to increase frequency resolution while wide band analysis is preferred to reveal formant pattern and pulse vibration.

Spectrographic voice analysis device produces a visual graph (spectrogram) of speech as a function of time (horizontal axis), frequency (vertical axis) and voice energy (grey scale or colour differences).

t is also a forensic research tool that is used to study individual vowel characteristics, physiological speech anomalies, etc.


Computerized Aerodynamic Analysis

Aerodynamic Analysis provides objective measures of velopharyngeal and vocal fold function. Laryngeal airway resistance can be measured to assess the effective closure of the vocal folds to airflow.

These techniques of aerodynamic analysis are being replaced by computerized voice analysis